International shipping can be complicated and time-consuming. However, there are ways to minimize difficulty.
Export Strategies
If you are purchasing equipment for shipment to an overseas research site or collaborator, consider purchasing the controlled equipment abroad. Alternatively, consider whether the equipment can be shipped directly from the manufacturer to the foreign research site. The party exporting the equipment is required to secure the export license.
However, even if the equipment is exported by another party, you must be careful not to export technical data or defense services in the form of controlled information, such as technical specifications or instructions on how to use the equipment. Under certain circumstances, this information may require a license. Contact the Export Controls team at [email protected] to evaluate whether a license is required.
If an item must be shipped from Princeton, or hand-carried by Princeton personnel, contact the Export Controls team well in advance in order to determine if an export license is required. In the event that an export license is required, it could take several months to obtain the document from the relevant government authorities.
Generally speaking, hand-carrying equipment and materials while traveling is not recommended. Any commercial item traveling with the individual, whether carried or in checked luggage is considered a hand-carried export and may require an export license or other documentation (e.g. Temporary Export letter, Custom Clearance documentation). If you are planning on traveling with these items, contact the Export Controls team at [email protected] well in advance of travel for further evaluation.
For shipments valued at more than $2,500 or where an export license is required, an Electronic Export Information (EEI, formerly known as the Shipper's Export Declaration), must be filed with U.S. Customs. This can be handled by the shipping agent, whether FedEx, UPS, or a Customs Broker.
Each export from the United States results in an import into a foreign country. Import requirements vary by country, so it is important to ensure that they are identified in advance. This way, the relevant authorizations may be obtained in order to avoid delay, seizure, or destruction of your shipment.
Princeton recommends contacting your recipient in advance to ensure that they obtain the required documentation.