Items being shipped to Princeton from overseas may require clearance by United States Customs, depending upon the dollar value of the shipment or the type of item. Such clearance may require additional paperwork for the shipment from both the overseas exporter and the University. Princeton’s authorized Customs Brokers can advise you on the import requirements for a specific shipment.
University personnel importing items or materials from overseas should also be aware of duties and taxes related to the purchase of items from overseas entities. Duties and taxes on a number of categories of materials have increased dramatically. Importers/purchasers are encouraged to inquire about these costs prior to committing to the order.
For additional information related to imports of human or animal pathogens, soil, or wildlife/animals, please see the EHS website.
The Office of Finance & Treasury has also provided additional information in this document.
Agency-Specific Requirements
Some United States government agencies require import permits for certain types of items. Issuing agencies and goods may include the following:
- USDA-APHIS: Food products, animals or animal products, plants, and plant products
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Wildlife or wildlife parts, including endangered species, migratory birds, injurious wildlife, and all other wildlife imports
- Centers for Disease Control: Infectious agents
- Food & Drug Administration: Food, drugs, or medical devices
- Environmental Protection Agency: Imports or exports of chemical substances under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Note: This list is not comprehensive. Should you have questions, please contact the Export Controls team at [email protected].