Individuals throughout the University work with non-U.S. persons on a regular basis as part of their teaching and research activities. It creates a vibrant shared space for the free exchange of ideas. However, it is important to know when regulations govern interactions that occur on-campus, online, or abroad.
Sponsor Restrictions on Non-U.S. Persons
While Princeton observes all federal regulations regarding restricted parties, the University does not accept research projects in which a sponsor places limits on who may or may not participate. Such restrictions would create a significant compliance burden on the University, and can also jeopardize the Fundamental Research Exclusion.
If there is any indication that research project participants are to be limited, please contact ORPA.
Examples of Problematic Language
- Language which restricts the ability of foreign persons to take part in the project.
- Contractor must submit employee's eligibility documentation for review and approval.
- All non-U.S. persons who work on the contract or task order shall be approved by the Contracting Officer before beginning work.
- The Contractor certifies that no non-U.S. persons are working under the contract.