Annual COI Disclosure Reporting Reminder

March 12, 2024

On March 4th, all Dean of Faculty Appointees received the below email reminder from Hope Caldwell if they have not yet submitted their annual conflict of interest disclosure. Please direct anyone with questions to Hope prior to the upcoming deadline of March 15th.


Dear Dean of Faculty Appointees:


Please complete the annual disclosure form as soon as possible. It is due Friday, March 15, 2024.


Access the COI system here:


Other reminders:

- NIH, DOE and NSF (as well as other sponsors) require timely COI disclosures prior to the submission of proposals.


- Your active awards could be put on hold if the Annual Disclosure Form is not completed.


- In line with federal requirements, all potential financial conflicts must be addressed/managed prior to expenditure of funds.


Reminder for NIH and DOE funded-individuals: you must complete the FCOI training every four years. The training can be found through our website:


Please do not hesitate to call or send me an email with questions.            


Hope Caldwell, J.D.

Associate Director of COI

Research Integrity & Assurance

609-258-9536 (w)

[email protected]


[email protected]