National Science Foundation - Multifactor Authentication Implementation for

Oct. 17, 2024

The below important information was just released by the National Science Foundation. NSF will require additional authentication to login to as of October 27, 2024, for all proposal submissions as per the recently released Dear Colleague Letter


  • Upon logging into on or after October 27, 2024, you will automatically walk through an enrollment process adding additional security (MFA) to your account. Going forward, you will use this additional security information to access the system. 


  • Considering this new requirement of additional account authentication there may/will be adjustments needed to your current process of preparing and submitting an NSF proposal.  


Please carefully read the bellow bullets in preparation for this upcoming change:


  • Only Principal Investigators can create their proposals in as their login authentication will be specific to them and no other user can access their account.  



  • Individuals who are assisting with proposal preparation tasks are Other Authorized Users (OAU). For every new proposal the Other Authorized User can be added by the PI to assist in assembling proposal documentation.


  • Please work with your PI’s on the process of adding you as an Other Authorized User (OAU) to each proposal they create in order for you to then take over the normal tasks of proposal preparation. The PI can add multiple OAU’s from the submitting department which is recommended in case their main contact is out. 


  • Every user (PI or OAU) should have their own account and the Administrator (Marianna Korre) for Princeton will assign your appropriate role. 
    • If you do not have your own account and are assisting with proposal submissions, please request one immediately, especially if you have an upcoming proposal due date. It is not advisable to wait until you have a new submission to request an account. 


  • Non-PI individuals will have an account as an Other Authorized User (OAU) only; in the past, some were designated as PI and will be reassigned the OAU role prior to October 27th.  


  • Only the PI can release a proposal to ORPA (AOR) for review, approval and submission via
    • A PI will be responsible for providing view/edit/submit access to a GCA. It is recommended the PI provide access to submit at proposal creation to eliminate having to enter the system again at proposal submission time.  



If you have any questions, please reach out to your Grant and Contract Administrator


You need this role(s)To perform these functions
  • Principal Investigator (PI)
  • Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI)
  • Proposed Postdoctoral Fellow
  •  Prepare proposals
  •  Manage awards
  • Administrator
  • Sponsored Projects Officer (SPO)
  • Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)
  • View Only
  • Add a new organization
  • Manage roles
  • View/edit/submit proposals
  • View Organizational and project reports      
  • Other Authorized User (OAU)
  • Assist a PI with proposal preparation