Updated Summer Salary Form

July 14, 2024

A communication was distributed to the Academic Managers Group (AMG) on Monday regarding the updated summer salary form – please see below for details which have also been added to page two of the updated form. Questions can be directed to the contacts as noted below. 

Dear Colleagues,

ODoF, working with the Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) and Sponsored Research Accounting (SRA), has enhanced the departmental Summer Salary Request form to better meet current sponsor requirements and expectations associated with conflict of commitment and research security

The revised form is located on the ODoF website (at this link). 

The changes respond to increased scrutiny by federal sponsors focused on the appropriate management and fulfillment of committed effort in research. While we are aware that some academic departments and centers already locally require use of this form, all relevant managers/units are strongly encouraged to use/electronically save the form when determining summer salary requests for entry into Labor Accounting, particularly when summer salary from federal/sponsored sources is being requested. When making the determinations, please remember:

  • Summer salary paid from sponsored programs must be commensurate with time spent on the sponsored program in summer.
  • Summer salary may not represent pay for work on sponsored projects during the academic year (i.e., summer salary paid in June from a sponsored program to a faculty member cannot represent time that they spent in November on the sponsored program).
  • Summer salary amounts entered for faculty by departments for June will reflect any merit increases/rates of pay effective July 1.
  • Faculty may devote 1 day a calendar week to outside activities during the time they receive summer salary. See R&P Chapter IV, Section M.2 (“During a calendar year (vacation periods excepted), a Faculty member on full-time appointment shall devote an average of no more than one working day a calendar week to outside professional activity during the academic year and portions of the summer for which salary is drawn through the University”).
  • Faculty receiving summer salary must work closely with the relevant department/center-level staff, as well as RIA and ORPA, to ensure that their outside professional activities are accurately, completely, and timely disclosed internally (in the COI system) as well as externally (in biosketches and current and pending documents), and that their sponsored effort commitments are met or adjusted as necessary.
  • Faculty must update information related to their outside professional activities on the COI Update Form within 30 days of any change, including the acquisition of any new outside significant financial interest, activity, or relationship that is related to your institutional responsibilities as defined in Princeton Policy. 

Please reach out to ODoF ([email protected] or [email protected]) with any questions. 

Best - Kris 

Kristine Ryan
Assistant Dean of Compliance
Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Princeton University
206 Stanhope Hall
Phone: 609.258.2396 | Cell: 973.309.2960
Email: [email protected]