August 2023
Effective October 23, 2023, the fillable format will no longer be available or accepted for submission of the biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support sections of an NSF proposal. NSF has been working closely with NIH on enhancing SciENcv and addressing known issues.
NSF is aware, as with any electronic system, that technical issues may still occur such as the bibliography and ORCiD publications not displaying on the NSF biographical sketch form. Should you encounter any technical issues with SciENcv during a submission of documents to NSF, please contact the NSF help desk and appropriate actions will be taken to assist.
July 2023
Neggin Keshavarzian, Research Data Management Specialists from the Library has set aside time for ORCiD conultations for July through the end of August. She is available for 45-minute one-on-one sessions, and you can schedule a session here.
We highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to assist in populating a Researchers ORCiD profile which can then be used for SciENcv. As per the recently communicated message regarding ORCiD and SciENcv, it's encouraged that this be completed soon (by September 15th if you are NSF funded0 to meet upcoming sponsor requirements.