Samuel Formica

Sponsored Research Specialist
Office Phone
619 Alexander Road - Suite 102

Contact for:

  • Administrative support
  • Princeton ERA information management
  • Award management and closeouts

Sam serves as a liaison with faculty, departmental administrators, central offices, and all federal, corporate, and foundation sponsors. He is also responsible for providing administrative and operational support across all aspects of pre- and post-award management. Experienced in grant administration across the sponsored research lifecycle, Sam interprets proposal budgets and award-agreement terms for entry into the Princeton ERA grants management database; guides our partners through subrecipient invoice desk audits, award rebudgeting requests, and closeout notifications; and assists the ERA Manager with testing and questions regarding award processing and budgets.


Sam has been at Princeton since 1996, working within the Finance and Treasury Department's Purchasing Office before joining ORPA in 2014.


  • Sponsored Research Training
  • Basics of Research Administration


When not at Princeton, Sam enjoys playing golf, watching sports, and coaching his son’s teams.

Sitewide Category
Academic Technical Services - 41223 - OIT
African American Studies - 22100 - AAS
American Studies - 28000 - AMS
Anthropology - 22000 - ANT
Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment - 25700 - ENE
Applied and Computational Mathematics (PACM) - 23000 - APC
Architecture - 20000 - ARC
Art and Archaeology - 20100 - ART
Astrophysical Sciences (PPPL) - 23105 - AST
Center for Digital Humanities - 26700 - CDH
Center for Human Values - 28100 - UCH
Center for Information Technology Policy - 29600 - ITP
Center for Statistics and Machine Learning - 29200 - SML
Center for the Study of Religion - 26300 - CSR
Council of the Humanities - 21000 - HUM
Creative Writing - 20504 - LCA
Chemistry - 23500 - CHM
Civil and Environmental Engineering - 25200 - CEE
Classics - 20200 - CLA
Comparative Literature - 20300 - COM
Computer Science - 25500 - COS
Concerts Committee - 21105 - MUS
Dance - 20503 - LCA
Data Driven Social Science Initiative - 28600 - DDS
Dean for Research - 51700 - DFR
Dean of the College - 51200 - DOC
Dean of the Faculty - 51100 - DOF
Dean of Undergraduate Students - 50300 - DUS
East Asian Studies / Program - 20400 / 26600 - EAS / EAP
Economics - 22200 - ECO
Electoral Innovation Lab - 28004 - AMS
Educational Research Section - SPIA - 27500 - ERS
Electrical and Computer Engineering - 25400 - ECE
English - 20600 - ENG
French and Italian - 20700 - FIT
Gender and Sexuality Studies - 22700 - GSS
German - 20800 - GER
Graduate School - 50600 - DGS
Graduate School Fellowships - 40000 - DGS
Hellenic Studies - 26400 - HLS
History - 22300 - HIS
History of Science - 22400 - HOS
Industrial Relations Section - ECO - 27400 - IRS
Judaic Studies - 21700 - JDS
Latin American Studies Program - 27900 - LAS
Lewis Center for the Arts - 20500 - LCA
Lewis-Sigler Institute of Genomics - 24200 - LSI
Linguistics - 21009 - HUM
Mathematics - 23700 - MAT
McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning - 51300 - DOC
Music - 21100 - MUS
Near Eastern Studies / Program - 21200 / 26500 - NES / NEP
Office of Population Research - 27000 - OPR
Office of the Provost - 51000 - PRV
Office of Religious Life - 50200 - ORL
Office of Sustainability - 60014 - FAC
Pace Center - 50400 - PCE
Papers of Thomas Jefferson - 27700 - PTJ
Philosophy - 21300 - PHI
Politics - 22500 - POL
Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) - 27800 - PII
Princeton Materials Institute - 25800 - PMI
Princeton Neuroscience Institute - 24400 - PNI
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory / Contract - 23200 / 31016 - PPL
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs - 26000 - SPI
Princeton University Art Museum - 41400 - UAM
Princeton University Library - 41000 - LIB
Psychology - 23900 - PSY
Religion - 21400 - REL
Slavic Languages and Literature - 21500 - SLA
Society of Fellows of the Liberal Arts - SOF
Sociology - 22600 - SOC
Space Physics - 23108 - AST
Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Culture - 21600 - SPO
Survey Research Center - 27300 - SRC
Teacher Preparation - 30500 - DOC
Theater - 20507 - LCA
University Health Services - 50500 - UHS
Visual Arts - 20505 - LCA