
Whether you are new to grants administration or a long-time administrator, the resources here can help you accelerate your funding search, efficiently manage awards, and remain compliant with all applicable policies.

Forms & Tools

Find the forms you will need to use throughout the sponsored research lifecycle.


Sign up for regular updates and learn about emerging funding opportunities, policy changes, and more.

New to Research Administration?

Find contacts, view roles, and connect with sponsor details and training opportunities.


Get the latest news and stay abreast of important announcements from NSF, NIH, and other sponsors.

Policies and Procedures

Get guidance to help you stay compliant from proposal development through close-out.

Princeton ERA

Welcome to Princeton ERA, the University’s system for managing proposals, award change requests, funded and non-funded sponsored research agreements, subaward initiation and modification requests, and Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) tracking. 

Professional Development
External Conference, Event & Training Opportunities for Research AdministratorsNational Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)Become a member! Available to any individual engaged in the administration of sponsored programs in a college or…

Discover funding opportunities and submit proposals to a range of potential sponsors.