Welcome to the Coeus after Princeton ERA Launch - transition to retirement page.
Need help? Email [email protected].
Coeus After Princeton ERA Launch
- As of 8/27/20, Coeus data is in a view-only state for all department users.
- All existing Coeus users can continue to launch Coeus via Lite and Premium
- Coeus content will be in a view-only state for at least a year after 8/31/20.
- Any Coeus proposals not approved by ORPA by close of business on 8/26/20 must be re-entered by the department and submitted for approval in Princeton ERA.
- Departmental proposal approvers and editors
- Departmental ORPA GCA and Award Specialist assignments
- Sponsors
- Fully executed non-funded agreements that have not expired
- No proposals were converted from Coeus to Princeton ERA.
- At Princeton ERA Launch, ~1200 Coeus IPs are in pending status
Declined Proposals
- Email [email protected] (instead of your GCA) if you receive notification that a pending Coeus proposal was declined. ORPA will update the Coeus IP status from pending to declined.
Proposal Requires "Pre-award Revision"
As Coeus is in a “view-only” state, department users will not be able to copy the Coeus proposal to create a “preaward revision” in Coeus. Instead, Coeus proposal updates will be handled outside of the system. There is no proposal in Princeton ERA for this situation.
- Budget or effort revisions? Update the budget using the Enhanced Budget Distribution Form and send to your ORPA Award Specialist.
- Personnel changes? Send this info to your Award Specialist.
- Protocol updates? Send the updated protocol information including the protocol approval letter(s) to your ORPA Award Specialist.
- Congruency Review? Congruency Review is only required for proposals with IACUC funded by PHS, NSF, and sponsors that request congruency review (see the Princeton ERA Funding Proposal manual for the full list). Email RIA at [email protected] to request the review. RIA will conduct the review, and will also determine if a related IBC Congruency Review is required. Then send the protocol approval letter(s) and congruency letter(s) to your ORPA Award Specialist.
All information received from departments will be uploaded by the ORPA Award Specialist into the Coeus IP Attachments.
Pending Coeus proposals awarded after Princeton ERA Launch will be set up in PeopleSoft by the Award Specialist. There is no Princeton ERA proposal for this situation.
- Coeus Institute Proposals that are still pending status will be reviewed by ORPA, and most likely mass declined at that time.
Coeus Resources
- Top 10 Coeus questions and answers
- Info & Searching Quick Guide: What is Coeus? How do I view proposal attachments & budgets? How do I find all proposals submitted to a particular Sponsor or by a Department?
- Toolbar Guide: What are all these buttons?
Detailed Guides
- Background & Searching
- Proposal Checklist
- Proposal Development
- Budget
- Proposal Hierarchy
- Coeus Bugs & Workarounds, Medusa, IP, Pre-Prime Award & Subaward Modules
Cost Sharing
- Coeus Cost Sharing
- Cost Sharing Business Process Quick Guide
- Cost Sharing Business Process Detailed Guide
Approve / Recall / Reject Proposals
- Coeus Lite Approval Quick Guide: On your mobile device
- Coeus Premium Approval Quick Guide: With Premium
Training Videos
Coeus training videos are now on Princeton Media Central and are separated into playlists.
They include:
Coeus Background, Launching and Searching
Coeus Submit, Approve, Reject, Recall + Inbox
Launch Coeus
Use your University username and password.
- Coeus Premium: Full functionality
- Coeus Lite: Mobile
- Installation and Troubleshooting - Mac [PDF]
- Installation and Troubleshooting - Windows [PDF]