The Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) and Sponsored Research Accounting (SRA) continue to closely monitor the rapidly-evolving situation regarding COVID-19, and its impacts on sponsored programs at the University. Listed below are links to government and sponsor specific guidance as well as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding this public health event and its impact on University research.  This webpage will be updated frequently as new information is received but we cannot guarantee that information listed is the most current as information is constantly evolving.  

Please submit any general or specific questions related to the impacts of COVID-19 on your research to your related ORPA GCA.

JOIN THE LIST-SERVs - Stay up to date by subscribing to both the ORPANews and SRA list-servs.  Send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] and request to be added to each mailing list.

Information on this page last updated 9-30-20

Availability of Research Support Operations and Guidance for the Community

National Association Guidance

Federal Agency Updates and Guidance

Foundation, Industry and Private Sponsor Updates and Guidance

Proposal Deadlines

Researchers Conducting COVID-19 Research

Allowable Costs, Charges, Effort on Sponsored Projects

Research Related Travel

Research-Related Activities - Programmatic Impacts