The Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) and Sponsored Research Accounting (SRA) continue to closely monitor the rapidly-evolving situation regarding COVID-19, and its impacts on sponsored programs at the University. Listed below are links to government and sponsor specific guidance as well as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding this public health event and its impact on University research. This webpage will be updated frequently as new information is received but we cannot guarantee that information listed is the most current as information is constantly evolving.
Please submit any general or specific questions related to the impacts of COVID-19 on your research to your related ORPA GCA.
JOIN THE LIST-SERVs - Stay up to date by subscribing to both the ORPANews and SRA list-servs. Send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] and request to be added to each mailing list.
Information on this page last updated 9-30-20
Availability of Research Support Operations and Guidance for the Community
ORPA is operating normally and is planning to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As usual, please feel free to reach out to your GCA with any questions. We encourage questions related to the impact of COVID-19 on specific sponsored programs. We will communicate any changes in operations via our ORPANews listserv and this website.
SRA is operating normally and is planning to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As usual, please feel free to reach out to your SRA analyst with any post-award questions. We encourage questions related to the impact of COVID-19 on specific sponsored programs. We will communicate any changes in operations via the SRA listserv and this website.
June 17, 2020 - ORPA/SRA Issue Memo to Research Administrators Providing Guidance for Sponsored Research Projects Impacted by COVID-19
June 5, 2020 - ORPA/SRA Issue Guidance Memo to Faculty Regarding Programmatic and Financial Risk Mitigation Due to COVID-19 Crisis
Earlier Guidance
The Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) and Sponsored Research Accounting (SRA) stand together with our academic departments, institutes and centers to support research activities throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Our goal is to provide guidance and support as we experience interruptions to research activities.
ORPA and SRA have compiled key areas of focus that our research-related units should be considering for their sponsored projects during this unprecedented time. We hope you find this information helpful. Please feel free to send us items we may have missed so we can add them to this list. Additionally, please forward any questions you may be receiving from your researchers. It is important that the entire community is aware of the concerns being raised and that our responses are consistent as they are addressed.
ORPA and SRA are offering several virtual workshops to discuss how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting your department. Registration is now available through the Employee Learning Center, under Finance and Treasury – Sponsored Research Accounting.
The Office of the Dean for Research shares the following information regarding the eventual resumption of on-campus research:
- COVID-19 Information for Researchers
- COVID-19 Research Operations - Phased Resumption of On-Campus Research which includes a link to a downloadable version for reference.
- COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions These are primarily Princeton-specific operations questions. Sponsor guidance is included in this ORPA FAQ.
Current Notice
June 17, 2020 - Memorandum from Dean Debenedetti - Phased Resumption of On-Campus Research Commences
Earlier Notices
May 29, 2020 - Memorandum from Dean Debenedetti - Completing your Research Lab Operations Plan
April 25, 2020 - Memorandum from Dean Debenedetti - Planning for the Eventual Phased Resumption of On-Campus Research
The following guidance is intended to assist departments and researchers in planning for the purchase of supplies needed to support the safe resumption of research operations amid COVID-19.
Research supplies are being classified as either Unrestricted or Restricted. These classifications are fluid and will depend on supply availability in the market. The chart below provides details on the classification, ordering and expense allocation of PPE required for the resumption of on-campus research. Departments shoue review the EHS website for guidance prior to any order placement - it is being regularly updated.
Classification Funding Source Contact for Ordering PPE and Supplies (examples) Details Unrestricted Department/Sponsored Project Funds (allocated to all awards benefitting from the activity) Marketplace - Nitrile and vinyl gloves
- Isopropanol and ethanol for disinfecting lab surfaces
- Cloth face coverings (see CDC guidance)
- N95 and other air-purifiying respirators
Departments may order directly through the Marketplace as needed but should be aware that intermittent supply may result in longer lead times Restricted Central funds when provided by EHS or Department/Sponsored Project Funds (allocated to all awards benefitting from the activity) when purhcased by the academic department Items currently being procured by EHS - Disposable surgical masks/face coverings
- Disposable surgical gowns
- Hand sanitizer bottles (see EHS guidance)
- Disinfectant wipes (see EHS guidance)
Procurement is being centrally managed by EHS at this time. The current list of these items can be found on the EHS website. Please contact Kelly States in EHS for further assistance.
Items with Extremely Low Availability Department/Sponsored Project Funds (allocated to all awards benefitting from the activity) when purchased by the academic department Contact EHS for availability - Disposable face shields
- Disposable eye shields
Procurement is being centrally managed by EHS at this time. The current list of these items can be found on the EHS website. Please contact Kelly States in EHS for further assistance. - Consider placing orders now; departments may experience shortages or delays on items that have not been previously identified.
- Centrally-managed items will require close coordination between EHS and the department.
- Cleaning expenses were treated as F&A/indirect costs prior to the COVID-19 shutdown and this costing treatment should continue during COVID. Please see the EHS website section, “Guidance for Disinfection of Lab Surfaces” for further information.
Effective 7/1/2020, SRA is requesting department and grants administrators track non-personnel expenditures related to the resumption of on-campus research by including program code GU747 (COVID-19) in the project chartstring. Use of this program code across both sponsored and non-sponsored chartstrings will help document the financial impact from COVID-19 and demonstrate that costs associated with the resumption of on-campus research were not solely charged to sponsored awards. Please be reminded that the Memo on Guidance for Sponsored Research Projects is still in effect until further notice.
National Association Guidance
The Council on Governmental Relations (COGR) has compiled a comprehensive list of resources. It is important to note this information applies to grants only. Princeton policies related to expenses and travel during the COVID-19 crisis still apply. Please be aware that this guidance may change as this situation evolves.
- Federal Agency Guidance on COVID-19's Impact on Proposals and Awards (5/14/20) (Navigate to COGR Matrix of Agency Terms to access details)
- FAQ Addendum #1 - NIH Specific FAQ (6/12/20)
- FAQ Regarding COVID-19's Impact on Federal Awards (v2.2) (4/8/20)
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
- Frequently Asked Questions (4/1/20)
Federal Agency Updates and Guidance
- M-20-26 - Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations (6/18/20)
- M-20-23 - Aligning Federal Agency Operations with the National Guidelines for Opening Up American Again (4/20/20)
- March 2020 Grants Innovation Exchange Session Slides on the Implementation of the GREAT Act of 2019 and Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (OMB Memorandum M-20-11 and M-20-17) (3/31/20)
- ONR - Coronavirus Assistance and Acquisition-Related Information and Resources (3/27/20) including supplemental terms and conditions, and guidance for doing business with the ONR
- DARPA - COVID-19 Guidance USD (R & E)
- DARPA - Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 for DARPA Performers (4/21/20)
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
- United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA)
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- Department of Defense (DOD)
- ARPA-E Guidance on Non-Productive Labor Charges Attributable to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (6/22/20)
- Responding to COVID-19 (9-30-20)
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (last update 8-24-22)
- NASA Shared Services Center Information including:
- Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-17
- FAQ - Grants and Research During COVID-19 Epidemic (3/25/20)
- NASA Memo to Contractors (3/24/20)
- NASA Memo to Contractors (8/24/22)
- SMD COVID Grants FAQ (4/8/20)
- Contractor Related COVID-19 Information (4/8/20)
- FAQs
- Invoicing Instructions
- Vendor Payments
- and more
- NASA - Explore Science Presentation - Thomas Zurbuchen (4/13/20)
- NASA's implementation of OMB M-20-26 (6/23/20)
- FAQs on Award Flexibilities (6/23/20)
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
National Air and Space Administration (NASA)
- COVID-19 Impact to NASA SBIR/STTR Program
- Coronavirus Information
- Assistant Administrator for Procurement Message on Coronavirus
- Memorandum for NASA Contractor Community - Preserving Readiness of the Space Industrial Base and Mission Operational Readiness due to COVID-19
- COVID-19 and Federal Financial Assistance (3/12/20)
- NASA Shared Services Center Information including:
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- NEH Press Release: Information on NEH and COVID-19
- FAQ - Funding for NEH Applicants and Grantees Impacted by the Coronavirus (3/30/20)
New Jersey State Council on the Arts (including other arts agencies)
Institute of Museum and Library Services
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
- IMLS Authorizes New Grant Flexibilities for Libraries, Museums (4/6/20)
- Information for IMLS Grant Applications and Awardees ( 4/6/20)
FAQ – COVID-19 Flexibilities for Applicants and Recipients - updated 7/2/20 to align with NIH Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-26.
NIH-Wide COVID-19 Strategic Plan - dated 7/13/20
Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding including:
- overview
- proposal submission
- award management
- human subjects
- animal welfare
- peer review
- FAQ's
- funding opportunities
- training, fellowship and career development awards
- animal welfare
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients
- Applicant/Recipient COVID-19 Update History (high level summary or updates to COVID-19 Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding)
- Extramural Response to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies (continuously updated)
- General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Proposal Submission and Award Management Related to COVID-19 (NOT-OD-20-083)
- Guidance for NIH-funded Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19 (NOT-OD-20-087)
- Flexibilities for Assured Institutions for Activities of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) Due to COVID-19 (NOT-OD-20-088)
- Guidance on Travel and Meetings Hosted by NIH
- OLAW Webinar: Pandemic Contingency Planning and Its Impact on Animal Care
- NIH Shifts Non-mission-critical Laboratory Operations to Minimal Maintenance Phase
- Research and Funding Opportunities
- NIH Message to Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funds on Flexibilities Needed for COVID-19 (video)
- National Library of Medicine Expands Access to COVID-19 Literature through PubMed Central
- Late Application Policy Due to Public Health Emergency for US Due To COVID-19 (NOT-OD-20-091)
- Updated on COVID-19 Flexibilities for the Research Community (video)
FAQ's on NSF's Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-26 - updated 8-2020
Coronavirus Information including:
- Federal guidance on COVID-19
- Impact on existing deadline dates
- Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-17
- Effects on Human Subjects Research
- Guidance for Major Facilities and Contracts
- FAQ's for proposers and awardees
- FAQ's for REU Sites, RET Sites, IRES Sites and Similar Activities
- FAQ's for NSF Panelists
- Funding Opportunities - Research on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
NSF Update on Guidance on M-20-20 - specifically related to donation of medical equipment.
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
- FAQ About the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposers and Awardees
- NSF Responses to Natural Disasters
- Coronavirus Information
- Impact on Existing Deadline Dates
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for National Science Foundation (NSF) Panelists
- NSF information concerning coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Dear Colleague Letter on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- NSF Important Notice No. 146 - dated 3/23/20
- NSF Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-17
- BIO-Wide Virtual Office Hours
Guidance for SBIR/STTR Applicants and Awardees include staying up to date with the relevant agency directly.
Visit the Solicitations page for a collection of SBIR/STTR links with specific information about the impact of COVID-19 on the application and awards process.
Foundation, Industry and Private Sponsor Updates and Guidance
- Letter to our Grantees and our Community: We hope you are staying as safe and healthy as possible. We know many of you are seriously impacted by the COVID-19 crisis as you care for our most vulnerable.
Temporary Changes to Our Southern California Grantmaking
We are temporarily redirecting our Southern California grantmaking.
1. We are suspending applications for new projects so that we can assist the Southern California community more quickly. Rather, by invitation only, we will accept abbreviated applications by May 1 for COVID-19 emergency relief efforts. We will conduct a shortened review process and award grants that we expect to total approximately $2 million in June 2020.
We plan to return to our regular grant application process for our November 1 deadline. We recognize that some of you have started, or even finished, your May 1 applications under our regular system. We will hold them for review with our other November 1 applications for our June 2021 cycle. Also, our Staff plans regular consultations starting July 1 on our usual schedule.
2. We have made grants of $500,000 each to the City of Los Angeles’ L.A. Emergency COVID-19 Crisis Fund and the Los Angeles County Office of Education’s COVID-19 Education Response through the California Community Foundation.
3. We are revising the terms of grants with funds remaining so that organizations can flexibly respond to the populations they serve. These total up to $3 million for local relief efforts. We are pleased that first responders, social service organizations, and schools are among these grantees. For example, the Los Angeles Fire Department is using $260,000 for N-95 masks and other equipment for first responders and victims.
4. Those full proposals in our Southern California grant program submitted earlier this year will be considered at our regularly scheduled June Board meeting. We thank those applicants for their time these past several weeks as we have conducted virtual site visits.
No Change to Our Medical Research and Science and Engineering Grantmaking
We will continue our regular schedule for research grants with applications due May 1 and November 1. While we will balance our special Southern California COVID-19 grants with our research grants, we do believe now more than ever the scientific research community must continue to explore high risk, high impact issues.
- Letter to the Grantees of the Sloan Foundation - March 13, 2020
Proposal Deadlines
Updated 3/17/20
Most federal agencies, including NIH and NSF, do not grant prior approval for late submissions; however, there are existing policies that address extenuating circumstances. Current NIH guidance can be located at NOT-OD-15-039 and Special Exceptions to NSF’s Deadline Date Policy (PAPPG 19-1). We strongly encourage you to discuss your specific situation with both your agency program officer and your ORPA GCA for further guidance.
Also see:
- NOT-OD-20-082 (3/9/20) – NIH LATE APPLICATION POLICY Due to Public Health Emergency for United States for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- NOT-OD-20-083 (3/10/20) – General Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Proposal Submission and Award Management Related to COVID-19
- NSF FAQs #16 and #17 (3/4/20)
- Accommodating Interruptions from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - U.S. Department of Energy (3/13/20)
Updated 3/27/20
Our federal sponsors are monitoring the situation closely and may extend application deadlines if conditions associated with COVID-19 worsen. If federal agencies officially close, solicitation issuance may slow or cease, submitted proposals will most likely remain in a queue and awards may be delayed, pending resumption of normal operations – as has been the case during federal budget-related shutdowns. Updates will be posted here as more information is available.
“A primary concern of NIH applicants is how to handle when an institution is closed due to natural disaster or other emergency situation. In these cases, it is not necessary to get permission in advance for delays in grant application submissions. Instead, applications submitted late must include a cover letter indicating the reasons for the delay. The delay should not exceed the time period that the applicant organization is closed. Although NIH will often issue a Guide Notice reminding applicants of this policy during times of major emergencies, this policy will also apply to emergencies of a more limited or local nature not discussed in a separate NIH Guide Notice.”
“Researchers or sponsored projects office staff from organizations that have been affected and are unable to meet stated NSF deadlines should contact the cognizant NSF program office to discuss the issue. NSF will consider extensions to the submission deadline on a case-by-case basis (and, in a few cases, on a program-by-program basis), understanding that it may be particularly difficult for individuals impacted to contact NSF. See NSF PAPPG Chapter I.F for additional information on procedures for submitting such requests.”
NSF - Impact on Existing Deadline Dates - 3/17/20
Added 3-16-20
NIH issued a notice, NIH Statement on Late Applications Due to COVID-19, on March 10, 2020 to address late submissions.
When delays occur because the applicant or recipient organization is officially closed or unable to submit grant applications due to the effects of COVID-19, the NIH will consider accepting applications late, on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 2.3.9, under the following circumstances:
- Institutions must submit applications or reports as soon as possible after reopening or resuming operations so that grant applications can be submitted, not to exceed the number of days the institution was officially closed or unable to submit grant applications.
- Institutions must submit a cover letter with the applications with enough detail about the delay so that NIH staff can make a determination whether circumstances justify accepting the application late.
- Institutions need not request advance permission to submit late due to this declared emergency.
NSF (FAQ # 17) also states that researchers or sponsored projects office staff from organizations that have been affected and are unable to meet stated NSF deadlines should contact the cognizant NSF program office to discuss the issue. NSF will consider extensions to the submission deadline on a case-by-case basis (and, in a few cases, on a program-by-program basis), understanding that it may be particularly difficult for individuals impacted to contact NSF.
We will post other agency information as it is available. If you have questions contact your ORPA GCA.
Researchers Conducting COVID-19 Research
Please refer to our Finding Funding - COVID-19 Funding Opportunities page on this website.
Allowable Costs, Charges, Effort on Sponsored Projects
The University has a policy governing the continuation of pay during unexpected or extraordinary circumstances, and specifically has developed a statement to address the continuation of pay during COVID-19.
This COVID-19 extraordinary circumstance states,
"As of March 13, 2020, during the continued response to COVID-19, the University is continuing to pay employees and students regardless of source of funds, whether work is performed remotely or when work is unable to be performed due to pandemic conditions. This is not a guarantee of employment; the University will continue to evaluate the application of this procedure as circumstances evolve."
In general, yes, provided you remain appropriately engaged in your project.
These types of expenses are considered administrative costs and are generally not appropriate to be charged as a direct cost to the award unless specifically approved by the sponsor. Please speak with your departmental administrator/supervisor about your needs in order to be set up to work from home.
Princeton's policies permit sick leave and other paid absences.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released NOT-OD-20-086 (3/12/20)- Flexibilities Available to Applicants and Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance Affected by COVID-19. This notice includes guidance on:
- Pre-award costs
- Extension of post award financial or other reporting
- Prior approval requirement waivers
- Cost related flexibilities/expenditure of award funds
- Salaries
- Stipends
- Travel
- Conference registration fees
- NIH-supported meetings and conferences
- Extension of closeout
- Extension of single audit submission
Added 3-16-20
If the postdoc cannot work remotely, and no contribution can be made to the project, NIH is allowing salary to continue to be charged to the award (see NOT-OD-20-086).
While we await information from other sponsors continue to charge the salary to the award knowing that it may have to be removed later.
Added 3-16-20
If the individual is working remotely and contributing to the project, then salary can be charged to the grant.
If an individual cannot contribute to their current project but can contribute to another sponsored project or activity, the salary must be moved to that funding source.
Added 3/17/20
Yes, stipend payments may continue to be charged to NIH NRSA grants affected by COVID-19. Recipients should notify the Grants Management Specialist named in the notice of award and provide documentation demonstrating the effect of COVID-19, and how long the institution will be affected.
Added 3/17/20
Charges beyond 90 days will need to be reviewed and carefully considered on a case by case basis. Documentation to support this hardship must be submitted to the funding ICs grants and program officials.
For post-docs that are required to work on their originally approved work remotely from a foreign country due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, where no grant funds are going to a foreign entity, NIH has determined that this scenario does not constitute the performance of a significant scientific element or segment of the project outside the US, as outlined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement definition of a foreign component.
Previously Released Guidance (this may be superseded by the information listed above)
- Yes, this would qualify as a foreign component as per the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 1.2- Definition of Terms, which defines a foreign component as “the performance of any significant scientific element or segment of a project outside of the United States, either by the recipient or by a researcher employed by a foreign organization, whether or not grant funds are expended.”
Research Related Travel
Updated March 17, 2020
To date, there is limited federal guidance relating to charges to awards for non-refundable travel, conferences, and related expenses due to COVID-19.
The NIH has addressed the allowability of such expenses in NOT-OD-20-086 under the "Travel" category.
The Department of Energy has developed a short FAQ addressing travel cancellations and reimbursements.
Other sponsoring agencies have not yet issued guidance on non-refundable travel costs. Princeton will provide further updates as federal agencies address COVID-19 related non-refundable travel. Until that time please keep charges on the original source that was intended to benefit from the purpose of the travel. If agencies issue alternative guidance, these expenses will need to be removed.
Please continue to follow the University Travel Policy and general cost principles described in the Uniform Guidance and adhere to the current University restrictions on travel.
Additionally, please retain documentation relating to the cancellation costs charged to a grant, including good faith efforts to obtain refunds or credits, in accordance with record retention requirements.
The University currently prohibits travel to some locations, and all non-essential University-sponsored travel should be postponed or canceled. The University’s COVID-19 website addresses specific travel restrictions.
Trip cancellation insurance is typically unallowable on grants. However, we are monitoring any additional guidance the federal government may issue related to travel. If you need to travel in the coming months to conduct business for a sponsored project, and you want to purchase trip cancellation insurance, you may reach out to your assigned GCA to request prior approval from the sponsor to charge this cost to the grant.
Updated 3/16/20
Please reach out to the event venue you have contracted with to see what flexibility they will provide and what the penalties may be for canceling or postponement. Keep concise records of this interaction.
Please contact your ORPA GCA or your SRA Analyst to discuss your specific situation and how to best coordinate outreach to the sponsoring agencies.
Added 3-16-20
If you plan to travel for the same grant, then yes. The credit should be tracked to ensure it's used to directly benefit the same grant that incurred the cost. If you plan to use the credit for other travel in support of other research (not related to the grant that funded the airfare) or another University activity, then the change should be journaled to the appropriate funding source to align the airfare cost with the chart string that will benefit from the travel.
Be sure to retain all applicable documentation.
Research-Related Activities - Programmatic Impacts
Clearly COVID-19 is an extraordinary circumstance. In general, if you have concerns related to project timelines or milestones, please reach out to your ORPA GCA. It may be appropriate to open a conversation with the sponsor regarding the situation.
Yes. Please coordinate any such communication to a sponsor with ORPA. Examples of impact include: canceling a funded conference, inability to conduct fieldwork because of travel restrictions, inability to meet the scheduled deliverables or aims/goals/SOW, absence of PI or key person for more than 90 days.
Researchers should document the actual impact of COVID-19 on the progress of their sponsored projects to provide details for any future no-cost time extension request. It is not known at this time if agencies will consider longer-than-normal no cost time extensions, or multiple no-cost time extensions in this situation. For most federal research grants, Princeton has the authority to grant a first no-cost time extension up to 12 months in duration.
Yes. If your research is impacted, this information should be documented in your progress report. Feel free to reach out to your ORPA GCA with questions on specifics.
For programmatic issues affecting your study, we recommend you engage your agency program officer or other sponsor contact. Please coordinate any such correspondence to the sponsor or actions with your departmental grants manager and your ORPA GCA. If any issues should persist, they may need to be reported in future progress reports, or you may need a no cost extension to complete your project.
We recommend that researchers begin a conversation with their program officers as soon as they anticipate delays of any kind on their sponsored projects, including progress reporting delays. Remember to engage your departmental grants manager and your ORPA GCA on this correspondence.
We recommend that you work with your departmental grants manager and your ORPA GCA to request a no-cost extension for the project.
As always, Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) is committed to providing Princeton University’s research community with resources, expertise, and guidance for high-quality and ethical care of animals used in research and teaching activities. LAR is prepared to care for our laboratory animals during disruptive events. Questions regarding animal care should be directed to [email protected].
If you are unable to complete and submit Research Progress Performance Reports (RPPR) by the scheduled due date, due to the effects of COVID-19, please be sure to contact the assigned grants management and/or program official to let them know the reports will be late.
NIH will accept these late reports but will delay issuing grant awards until the reports are received and accepted by the appropriate Institute or Center (IC).
NIH understands the potential effects of COVID-19 on the progress of NIH supported research. Recipients must report on any effects on the NIH funded research in their next RPPR submission. Recipients are not to submit standard letters, but rather report on these details within the RPPR. The funding IC will consider the effects that are reported by the recipient when reviewing and approving the RPPR. NIH remains committed to working with its applicants and recipients during this public health emergency. In addition, NIH recognizes that there may be delays in submission of RPPRs and other reports. See NOT-OD-20-086 for details on late submission.
Recipients must not assume that supplemental funding will be available and should contact the cognizant NSF Program Officer to discuss any potential shortfalls. Nevertheless, for most awards, there is likely ample time available to better understand the long-term impacts before supplemental funding is requested/processed. Recipients should also be cognizant of the amount of un-spent funds currently obligated to awards and their ability to re-budget funds and propose modifications to award scopes, as appropriate. All supplemental funding requests must be well-documented and justified.