
The Research Administrator Mentoring Program provides an opportunity to develop beneficial on-campus relationships supporting ongoing professional development of the mentee as well as the mentor while expanding your knowledge base, whether centered on grants or other research-centered areas across campus.
- Individuals who apply as a Mentee are paired with an experienced Mentor in their field of interest.
- Individuals applying as a Mentor are paired with Mentees looking to expand their knowledge in research-centered areas.
- The program runs several times a year.
RAMP Timeline
Application Deadline: November 22, 2024 [CLOSED]
Mentee/Mentor matches made & applicants notified: Friday, December 6, 2024
Orientation: Monday, January 6 @ 3 p.m.
Mentor/Mentee initial contact deadline: Tuesday, January 21st
Mid-assignment evaluation: March 2025
Assignment End: June 2025
Next round of Program: June/August 2025
Program Details
Anyone newly hired or promoted into a research administration role, or anyone who is interested in learning more about areas of sponsored research with which s/he is unfamiliar is welcome to apply. The only requirement is the willingness to commit to the program for the duration of the mentoring relationship.
Anyone currently in a research administrator role who has demonstrated engagement with the research administration community on campus (such as attending Coffee with ORPA, SRA Wrap-Up sessions, and similar opportunities) is welcome to apply. We welcome applications from individuals as well as from groups! As with mentees, we require the willingness to commit to the program for the duration of the mentoring relationship.
I am interested in becoming a mentor, but worried about figuring out what my responsibilities would be. Will there be support?
YES! Review the Program Description and the Initial Session Guides via the RAMP document links for ideas regarding recommended activities. In addition, we team up with HR to kick off the program with an orientation session.
The program is appealing, but I’m in a central office role, or I’m a departmental grants manager interested in learning more about central office roles. Is the program really meant for me?
YES! We have expanded the program with the intent to broaden the participation across campus and to provide an opportunity for career growth to anyone who is interested.
I have questions you haven’t addressed. How do I get in touch with you?
The program’s committee can be reached by emailing [email protected].
This program sounds exciting and I’m ready to apply! What’s the process?
Complete the mentor or mentee enrollment form as applicable, be sure to get approval from your supervisor, and email the form to us at [email protected] by the application deadline date listed above.